Pence neighbors gay pride flags

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While some have praised Trump for his support for the LGBT community, Pence's history of conservative positions related to gay rights have alarmed others. 'I have no idea what (the vice president elect) will think about, but I hope he will change his mind,' she added. 'A respectful message showing, in my case, my disagreement with some of his thinking,' Ilse Heintzen told WJLA, a CNN affiliate. Roughly half-dozen pride flags are outside of homes on the block where Pence lives and neighbors say more are on the way. The flag represents a symbol of pride in the LGBT community. Some neighbors have put up rainbow flags since the Indiana governor moved in to protest what they call his anti-gay policy positions.

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Until he moves into the Naval Observatory after taking office, the vice president-elect is renting a $6,000-a-month home in Chevy Chase, a swanky neighborhood in the Northwest quadrant of the nation's capital. (CNN) - Some Washington residents who disagree with Mike Pence's positions on gay rights are making their values known to their new neighbor.

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